Job (Nathan) 1.) Artificial sweeteners were invented to try and “fix” the obesity problem in the world. They intended it to be a safe replacement for sugar but in the end Sucralose, aspartame, and Splenda are just as bad maybe even worse for you than natural or real sugar. They are both considered toxins and hazardous. They are also known to do the exact opposite of lose weight. Since there is a replacement to sugar in the drinks but it still tastes somewhat like sugar. The body is expecting that sugar and it wants all of this sugar that is not entering the body. Which makes you want more pop or more sugar and food. This can cause overeating and lead to other health problems. Artificial sweeteners are also said to cause cancer, I seem to find this false because i’ve been drinking diet pop for 5 years now, because I can’t drink anything that has sugar in it because of my diabetes. So yea they thought they were making a new better alternative but they made something more destructive.

Job(Michael) 2) If artificial sweeteners had never been invented, then there wouldn’t be anything else to judge natural substances against. Nobody would know any different so everyone could truly appreciate a drink such as coffee which is made from natural cocoa beans. Then they could decide if they truly liked the drink for all of it’s integrity, flaws and all. Rather than trying to change something that doesn’t really need changing. I personally don’t drink very much coffee, but when I do, it usually has some sort of a flavor to it. I don’t like regular coffee, but that doesn’t mean I should go put artificial sweeteners in it which are unhealthy. Rather that is just nature’s way of telling me to find a tolerable alternative to coffee.
Jonathan.) Artificial sweeteners actual taste fake. Its is probably because they are.the main artificial sweetener used for diet soda is something called aspartame. Aspirin has a similar taste to sugar but with 0 calories. The secret of the 0 calorie sugar substitute is the fact that the chemical is actually 200 times more sweet than the equivalent amount of sucrurore, thus you don’t need hardly any of it to put in the drink as “sugar”. Have all these greater than real life nature substitutes makes us too dependent on them because in some cases human engineering is actually better than what mother nature created. If the artificial world we make is better tasting and better for you than what nature created, it makes humankind less protective of their environment because they don’t actually need it for the things they want. Also if you only have the artificial sweeteners in your life, then you won’t actually know what real sugar taste likes and won’t be able to like that. This just seems wrong to me.

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